Measuring Temperature

Here is this IC(LM35). You can use this to measure surrounding temperature. It has an output voltage that is proportional to the Celsius temperature.
That is,
(the voltage given by the
output pin of this IC) * 100 = Temperature in degree celcius..
The scale factor is .01V/oC and covers a quite good range of 0 oC to +100 oC.
Just give +5V to the +Vc
pin ( otherwise the range may be 4-30V ) and ground to the middle pin.

Ra = Vc /10-6
Actually, it can range from 80 Kilo ohm to 600 Kilo ohm , but most just use 80 Kilo ohm.
You can connect the output of LM35 to to the ADC of your microcontroller and display it on an LCD.

Or you may use RS232 to get it displayed on your computer.